Sabino Cannone YT Interviews
REmatrix [MusichTech 12.14]
REmatrix [Audiofanzine 12.14]
REmatrix [SOS 12.14]
REmatrix [Soundbyte 12.14]
Drumagog 5 & Morph|Engine [MTM 01.11]
Ultradimensions [Sound Maker 03.11]
Kaleidoscope [CM&PS 05.10]
RetròVerb3 [Sound On Sound 11.09]
RetròVerb3 [CM&PS 10.09]
PocketSlam 01 [Gearwire 07.09]
Drivedrums [Sound Maker 06.09]
Drivedrums [DigitalMusic 06.09]
Drivedrums [CM&PS 03.09]
MoReVoX [Sound Maker 12.08]
Elektromorph II [Recording 07.08]
Elektromorph II [Sound On Sound 07.08]
Elektromorph II [CM&PS 08.08]
Elektromorph II [Digital Music 09.08]
Elektromorph II [Music Connection 06.08]
Elektromorph I [Sound Maker 02.07]
Elektromorph I [Digital Music 10.07]
RetròVerb 1.2 [GeekZine 06.08]
RetròVerb 1.0 [CM&PS 03.07]
Sabino Cannone Interview
[Computer Music 07.12]
C'era una volta il campionatore
[Strumenti Musicali 07.12]
Is it Still Drumming?
[Digital Drummer 06.2010]Aladin Musical Sab Interview
[BackStage 02.2011]Il Software Italiano [ CM 06.10]
Drivedrums and Sab Interiew
[DigitalMusic 06.09]Sab w/M.Manzani Guitar
Recording Special [CM&PS 11.08]Convolution by Sab [CM&PS 03.08]Z
Sab POOH Beat Regeneration
Interview [CM&PS 02.08]Sab and MXL Mics2 [Broadcast 03.08]
Sab and MXL Mics [Broadcast 06.06]
Sab on Pinocchio Musical [SM 04.04]